What do you prefer to do when you get home every evening: maths homework or drawing? I was finishing High School, I had to decide between the Bachelor of Science or the Bachelor of Arts and my sister asked me that to see if I could make up my mind. I had no doubts.
Years later I studied Illustration in Madrid and since then I’ve been illustrating books. Before that I had a degree in Audiovisual Communication, so I tell myself that illustration is communicating with images. In 2018 I illustrated and wrote Enorme suciedad.
As for that temptation for science, all that remains is my addiction to lists:
Somos parte de la tierra. Alma, 2022.
Barruko hotsak. Leire Bilbao. Pamiela, 2021.
Irrimola. Ikaselkar, 2021.
Kantu bat gara. Jon Maia. Elkar, 2021.
Millones de pasos. Carolina Reymúndez. Geoplaneta, 2020.
Amaren intxaurrak. Julio Soto Ezkurdia. Katxiporreta, 2020.
El zoo de las historias / Istorioen zooa. Gianni Rodari. A fin de cuentos, 2020.
Etxeko urak (cover). Leire Bilbao. Susa, 2020.
Zart! #2 (cover). Tiza, 2020.
Arbolidades. David Hernández Sevillano. Kalandraka, 2020.
Joemak eta Polasak. Iñigo Astiz. Elkar, 2019.
Lilo. Inés Garland. Edelvives, 2019.
Bizi Dantza. Leire Bilbao. Katxiporreta, 2019.
Gure oroitzapenak. Joseba Sarrionandia. Elkar, 2018.
Humanity at music. Mondragon, 2018.
Musua. Leire Bilbao. Katxiporreta, 2018.
Martzelo itsua. Pello Añorga. Elkar, 2018.
Rebeliones y revelaciones (cover). Gioconda Belli. Txalaparta, 2018.
Enorme suciedad / Lohia. Pepitas, 2018.
El país donde habitan las cigüeñas. Marta Núñez. Del Naranjo, 2018.
Mokotxiki / Pico chico / Bec xic. Leire Bilbao. Pamiela, 2017 / Tramuntana, 2019.
Maitte-maitte. Antxon Sarasua, Miren Agur Meabe. Elkar, 2017.
Hitz beste (collective). Anjel Lertxundi. Berria, 2017.
Oihartzun isilak. Ruben Ruiz. Erein, 2017.
Gixela nire laguna da. Antton Kazabon. Ibaizabal, 2017.
Pikondoaren balada. Leire Bilbao. Elkar, 2017.
Piztipoemak / Bestiapoemas / Bèsties, poemes i altres bitxos / Poemas bestas. Leire Bilbao. Pamiela, 2016 / Kalandraka, 2021.
Xomorropoemak / Bichopoemas / Bitxopoemes / Bechopoemas. Leire Bilbao. Pamiela, 2016 / Kalandraka, 2019.
Kixotenean. Iñigo Astiz. Elkar, 2016.
Kantuz 1965-2015. Elkar, 2015.
Apaiz gerrillariaren ezkutalekua. Ander Izagirre. Elkar, 2015.
Zerua Berun. Castillo Suarez. Ibaizabal, 2014.
Bizikleta lapurtu didate. Aritz Mutiozabal. Ibaizabal, 2014.
Cuento de Babia y Luna. Antonio Lombillo. F. P. N. Castilla y León, 2014.
Gerrak ez du izenik. Leire Bilbao. Pamiela, 2013.
Zure denboraren truke. Uxue Alberdi. Elkar, 2013.
Hizkuntzaren Keinua (collective). Elkar, 2012.
Euskadi Literature Prize 2022 (illustration)- Irrimola
Selected in the Iberoamerica Ilustra Catalog 2022
3rd National Prize for Best Edited Children Book 2019 – Bichopoemas y otras bestias
Selection in the White Ravens Catalogue 2020 – Lilo
Kirico Award 2019 – Bichopoemas y otras bestias
Rikardo Arregi Special Prize 2017 – Kixotenean
Lazarillo Prize 2014 – El país donde habitan las cigüeñas
Peru Abarka Award 2014 – Zerua Berun
Etxepare Award 2013 – Gerrak ez du izenik
Young Artists Encounters Navarra Finalist 2011
National Audiovisual Communication Award 2008
Audiovisual Communication. University of Navarra, 2007
Illustration. School of Art 10, 2011